The Color of Communication
How we naturally communicate based on our temperament and how to communicate with others based on their temperament.
Communication With Ntrinsx is an engaging learning experience that builds on the Getting Started With Ntrinsx session and your own experience in using Ntrinsx on your job. This session is interactive, with activities that are designed to deepen your awareness and sensitivities with respect to the way you communicate and the way you perceive the communication styles of others you engage with.
As a result of attending this session, you will leave with key insights on:
Understanding communication
Why we communicate, communication barriers
Communication by the Colors- application of temperament theory to real people
Giving and receiving feedback- a core skill needed for performance management
Action Plan – how to apply temperament theory and new communication skills to improve communications on the job
Team members, frontline managers and mid-to-senior level leaders can all benefit from this course.
The FocusWorks learning experience includes: