Ntrinsx Series: Unleashing the Power of Human Behavior
This 5-part series is a "deep dive" into self awareness and human behavior using the Ntrinsx social intelligence data management system and online temperament assessment.
Ntrinsx is a patented cloud-based social intelligence database management system. It is a technology solution for social engagement within small teams and across large organizations. Ntrinsx consists of:
An online assessment that is quick (under 5 minutes), easy to deploy (built-in email integration), and very accurate.
An online dashboard system that is accessible by everyone in the organization via computer, tablet or mobile phone.
Automated analytics that show temperament profiles of individuals, groups, organizations.
Ntrinsx has an integrated suite of training resources including engaging and interactive training sessions and participant handouts on the following topics:
The success of every organization is dependent on how well the people are aligned to the business – and to each other. To be most effective, you need to understand and respect the intrinsic values of others you engage with.
How temperament impacts the way we think about and deal with change.
How we naturally communicate based on our temperament and how to communicate with others based on their temperament.
How to handle conflict and how conflict relates to stress differently based on temperament.
What motivates people and how to engage them in the organization’s mission; how to set expectations and hold people accountable based on their temperament.
Increase employee engagement
Improve team morale
Enhance motivation
Minimize turnover and absenteeism
Stimulate growth and innovation
Improve efficiency and productivity
Team members, frontline managers and mid-to-senior level leaders can all benefit from Ntrinsx.
The FocusWorks learning experience includes: